
I had a couple profound thoughts in church today, obviously provoked by the message given by my pastor.

Eternity. For some reason I've always thought of my life ending when I die. That the only life I have is the one I have now and eternity is just where I'll go with no memory of the life on earth. I don't think that's the case. I had this vivid image of taking my journey on earth and as another "being" in heaven, is given the task of guiding someone on earth through their journey. A bit much to take in but just a thought.

Control. I learned the great lesson of control this past year. Over and over again. It finally struck me head-on this morning that if you look at the big picture, we don't have much "control" over our lives at all. Yes we have free will, but can we control the weather that then impedes travel plans? Do we control when our cars start falling apart? Do we truly control our finances? I've started to give everything to God. My job (as totally out of my element as it is), my car (as repairs come along), my health (seriously, I have some odd health issues that are minor but still..) etc.

Christ is IN me. "For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory." (Colossians 1:27 NLT ) ***

Christ works THROUGH me. "God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God" (Romans 8:28 NLT).

I also received some "revelations" in the past couple weeks that have stuck with me so much. I am fine. I can relax. God is taking care of me. God took everything away from me and the big one was my PRIDE. Last January I was at my peak with my physical body, spiritually (or so I thought) and I loved my job (and was finally getting comfortable) and then it was gone. I lost so much of what I thought I was. Now I've been given a job that isn't my strong suit but is at a company that people envy. Interesting no? He took away my pride and reliance in and on anything. Teaching me that I lean too much on myself and what I think I control. Life is so much more "freeing" when you let go of the worry and rest it at Jesus' feet. I know it sounds easier said then done but I've learned the hard way! Over and over again :P

I have learned so much about life in the past year and I want to keep learning but maybe a bit more gently this coming year!

***This verse was pivotal in my understanding of what the Christian life is supposed to be about and I didn't hear it until 3 years ago. I wish more people would hear and understood this verse earlier in life.

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