
I'm tired.
Take this burden from me.
Lift my spirits
because I'm feeling crushed.

I NEED you more than I need life.

Carefree, wind swirling,
laughter bubbling out of my mouth like a stream.
Floating, tip toeing across the sky,
Soaring above the world, absent of thought.

slowly dropping back to earth,
please catch me before I fall.


It's interesting to read what people think about churches using secular hip trends...and reading some comments people left at the end of the article....some are laughable. I don't understand why churches aren't always looking for the newest hottest ways to communicate - to me it only makes sense. You want to reach people? Use what everyone else is! And where else do most people nowadays get their info? INTERNET. We live in a ME generation, go with it! It's that same for the Christian book market - we need to catch up with the secular world and live in today, not last year. Why is it that it seems like the Christian "world" is always one step behind??

Another point - social interaction right now is heavily saturated online as opposed to face to face. So it is always better to talk to a person face to face but socially that isn't happening much anymore and being against facebook isn't going to change that. And in conclusion of such when you talk to people in person now, facebook is a hot discussion! So guess what that means? Get on the bandwagon and GO!

Just like people's fear of change - get over it! Life is constantly changing if you like it or not! And yes sometimes change can bring different outcomes than what we want but isn't that the part of learning? How can we keep maturing if we don't let ourselves/lives to change? I don't think people are afraid of change but of losing control.

summer night

Inhale. Warm sweet summer air.
A hand reaches up palms facing the heavens.
Head tilts up, eyes close.

Jesus, my Saviour.
You pick me up out of this grave.
Your life breaths into me.
Beautiful, beautiful is my image of you.

You are everything.
What my heart longs for.
What my heart aches for.
Fill me Jesus with your love forever.

I will run to you with arms open wide
Sun beaming, breaking through the clouds.

Well I could sing unending songs
Of how you saved my soul
I could dance a thousand miles
Because of your great love

My heart is bursting Lord to

To tell of all you've done
Of how've you changed my life
And wiped away the past

Well, I want to shout it out
From every roof top sing
For now I know
That God is for me, not against me
(Happy Song - Chris Tomlin)

This morning I woke to this song seriously blasting in my head...and I'm talking just in my head, no one else could hear it. And this song? One of my favourite songs from camp...*sigh*

Ecclesiastes 3:
10 I have seen the burden God has placed on us all. 11 Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time.

Ecclesiastes 5:
18 Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to accept their lot in life. 19 And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life—this is indeed a gift from God. 20 God keeps such people so busy enjoying life that they take no time to brood over the past.

What a great book of the bible! Not exactly the most light-hearted or full of happiness but filled with a person's frustration on the world and our role in it. For me this was a very timely read.

(Chapters copied from www.biblegateway.com)

Is growing up a state of mind or circumstancial?
What makes a person a grown up? The legal age? Life Experiences? Maturity?

And once we are a grown up do we stay a grownup?

Can we grow up too fast and miss out on some things in life? Would God allow that? In today's society what defines grown up status? A car? Good job? Responsibilities?

A friend and I went out for bubble tea the other night and we got talking about where our lives had taken us. And after a bit of me explaining my story she said "it must have been hard growing up so quickly!". I wanted to hug the girl! Someone who is sympathetic and almost understanding of why sometimes I struggle with how "grown up" I have to be at times because of my circumstances in life.

But am I as grown up as I think I am?

i need a bandaid

Last night I ended my weekend on an ouchy note. Let set up the moment for you:

"Aren't you tired of always being....hm hm? You need to be goofy sometimes".
(basically the body language translated into basically implying that I'm stuckup)

OUCH. That hurt and probably one of the main reasons I slept like crap last night (or lack thereof). This bothers me something fierce. My answer is that it just isn't me! Yes I enjoy having fun and laughs but I've never been the type to just let loose. Ever. I'm not wired that way.

Nobody understands. I had to grow up incredibly fast! It pretty much started when at the age of 18 I was in charge of 10 people 5 days a week, 3 meals a day for 2.5 months at MWSR. That summer changed me especially in the aspect of responsibility. I graduated college at the age of 19 and had a full-time job that summer before I was even 20. I've grown up so much in the past 3 years it's insane! I've had to rediscover who I am a zillion times over and with that has brought a lot of change to my personality and my way of life. I've taken on more responsibilties lately with buying a car and the big kicker - being a church elder. It's not that having all this going on makes me a better person or better than other people it's just that the place I am in life right now is a lot different than most people my age.

Spiritually I've had a massive makeover especially in the past year. This has also matured me and makes me who I am today, right now. I love being silly, goofy and witty but sometimes that doesn't come out because of the surroundings I'm in. And yes I am sometimes tired of always being apparently "stuck up" but I can't change that. I have too many people counting on me to be the stable, normal, accountable, responsible person.

This is so hard to explain!!

Also something else came up about how I go to church because I'm searching for something. That's not exactly right. I'm not really searching for anything because I have found Christ, He lives in me and thru me. My life is His life. I go to church to learn more and fill my thirsty soul. And the by products of such bring community and fellowship with other church goers.

Being an Elder (and the secretary on the Leadership Team) has been a challenge so far and I'm only 7 months in my 2 year term (well possibly 4 year term). I've had to deal with not being afraid of judgment as I'm 22 years old and a chuch elder - quite a foreign idea to most people. It's a huge commitment! But never have I felt so accepted in such a role! That people see me as mature enough to help make decisions for the future of our Church.

I don't find my responsibilties burdensome! It's just that it affects who I am and what I do as a person. I have a lot on my plate for a 22 year - most people my age are either just finishing school or getting married. I like who I am even though sometimes I wish I could be a little more fun and easy going but I am that way sometimes it just depends on the circumstances.

I don't know if this makes much sense because explaining ones being to someone who isn't you is just a little hard. And I guess seeig yourself from someone else's perspective makes you contemplate.

Knowledge is a powerful thing. Not that I've suddenly become powerful with some new knowledge but I've noticed some interesting things this week.

A lot of the books, bible studies, scripture I have been reading has all been matching up at all different events this week. Usually when I read different types of material they never overlap but it's been different this week.

For example I finished reading this book called "The Pawn" by Steven James (not releasing until September) and the plot has a lot to do with a modern version of the "The People's Temple" cult back in the 70's. Then today I'm reading a blog (about 2 people who are evaluating churches in Toronto) and the poster brought up how the church seemed similar to that of Jim Jones and The People's Temple. Before yesterday I had never heard about this tragic event in history! Strange but really cool.

Then at bible study we were talking about Joseph being sold off by his brothers then later on in life they come to Egypt where Joseph is in high power. Joseph forgives him and wants his father to come see him. One of the discussion questions was why did it take Joseph so long to reveal his secret about being sold? I gave the point that when the sons told their father Joseph was killed, they didn't really tell him they had just dipped his coat in blood and the father assumed he was dead. I had never heard that story put that way until earlier this week listening to a teaching I was given a while back.

To me it's super fascinating that things I've picked up lately seem to be connecting in such great ways! I feel so smart! :) Maybe that's why I like reading so much? Constantly learning new perspectives and gaining smarts about things I've never known before?

Oh and if you want a great suspense/thriller/crime novel - pick up a copy of "The Pawn". Definitely one of the best books I've read in a while! A killer of a page turner! :P

Links to check out:
The Pawn Promo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_HlC7Kvap8
Toronto version of "Jim & Casper Go To Church": http://drewmarshall.ca/blog/
Steven James: http://stevenjames.net/index.php

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