heart wrenching

This afternoon I watched the "Passion of the Christ" again after seeing it 3 years ago. It seemed like the right moment to watch the movie again as heart wrenching as it is. My cheeks are stained with salty tears, my heart still deep with emotions.

What a feeling that must have been for the disciples to see Christ died as He told them at the passover. To take the bread and wine in remembrance of Him before knowing how broken He would become and that death was part of God's plan.

He suffered intense pain for US! We are forgiven in Him always and forever. God sacrificed His only flesh and blood to show us His eternal love. How free are we?

More free then we can ever understand with our human minds. Christ in us, the hope of glory! Forgiven of every sin and loved beyond our wildest imaginations.

Papa, thank you.


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