I need to blog about this and get it off my mind so much.
On Sunday I shared my "real life story" in front of my church. I had prepared beforehand with a nicely typed up sheet a paper and bible in hand. It started out okay. Read the 3 small verses and starting my super short bio of how I got to the church. That was fine but when it came to sharing what God has been doing in my life lately I just started bawling. I couldn't stop crying and I knew I needed to get my story out so I did between blurry eyes and tears streaming down my face.
I don't remember much of what I said. I didn't see how many people were crying with me. I couldn't even tell you if I thought anything I said made any sense but apparently what I said hit home for a lot of people. My boss (who goes to my church) came up to me this morning and told me I even had him in tears! A grown man! Random people came up to me and thanked me for sharing, that what I said was powerful. And it kind of blew me away and still is....
I put my entire self out there to my church family. I was very vulnerable and my church showed me nothing but love and grace. How awesome is that? Not only did I show other people how human I am but I came away so encouraged!
How people see me at church has totally changed. People now know a ton more about me and it's almost a relief! Opens doors for conversations and relationships. This is not what I expected to happen but I couldn't be more thankful!
What a wonderful gift.
(Sorry mom & dad for not letting you know I was doing this but it was hard enough with one sister there! I was nervous enough! :) I know you love me and support me. What I shared on Sunday was nothing different than what you already know.)
I am glad that you were able to share with believers in Christ. True believers will share their story with others. In return they maybe blessed too. As, believers in Christ we are then able to share the gospel with others that do not know him. Life can sometimes be hard but if we follow him everyday of our life he is always there every minute of every day. Rejoice in your friend, Jesus and pray to him daily.
Unknown said...
10:50 AM, February 11, 2009