A friend of mine has recently entered the realm of online dating - this has sparked some many threads of discussion revolving on singleness and the impact on our lives.
This brings me to my point about building roots. According to my friend is that there is no point in developing friendships with people right now because if I so happen to get married and have to move away, all those friendships will be wasted.
WHOA! Wait a minute here. I am supposed to wait until I am married to bother having a life and making life-long friends? I'm a little thrown off here. It's taken me almost 2 years to even know people well enough around here to even call them friends and i'm supposed to wait!! Honestly if my life goal is marriage - I am sadly mistaken, I'm sorry.
This is where my faith comes into play on many aspects.
1) Online Dating - right now I am so not into this. What ever happened to meeting people in real life? Are people so afraid of rejection that they can only handle it virtually? I think meeting people online is somewhat of a cop-out. At this point in my life I have my whole life ahead of me to meet people, I'm still young
2) Purpose in Life - I believe that I have a bigger purpose in life then just getting married. God's got a plan for me and though I do not know what it is, my main goal is to live for Him and if marriage is part of it - great! Otherwise, I'm gonna do His will, what ever it is. And this by no means is a cop-out religious line, it's what I believe.
3) Building Roots - I cannot imagine my life right now without friends. Seriously. I went crazy the first couple months I moved in with my sister and had no friends nearby. Now I can happily say that I have made friends (young and old), made connections and actually have a social life once in a while. I'm heavily involved in my church now - and even more now with planning a young adult event. I need to have community with other people otherwise I'd never change or grow or be challenged.
4) Meeting People - Church is definitely a good place to build some community and also living with 4 random roommates for the summer :P
One other thing that has me irked - hearing that some people label singlehood as a gift. HUH? I saw a book at work the other day that was based soley upon this fact. How can being single be defined as a gift? Not being married is just part of life, everyone is at some point and some people stay that way. If being single is a gift, what is marriage? Is being single a huge marathon and marriage the grand prize? Why must everything be given a title or label?
It's very interesting to get people's perspectives on the above - it definitely causes a lot of talk and varied opinions.
This blog topic is far from over - my mind is brewing many thoughts and ideas...i will be back! (Comments are always welcome!)
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