Gut wrenching sobs. Tears streaming down, soaking into her skin.
She cries.
Love so deep, unconditional, everlasting. More than compromising, it's a sacrifice.
She cries.
Longing to breath deep, reaching beyond just to grasp on to the edge.
She cries.
Forgiveness, acceptance and respect is all she longs for.
A place, safe and worthy to be warrant trust. To be herself, to feel a sense of belong. To be pushed, grow and mature. What must it take? How much must she give?
To hold her heart out and have it stomped on?
A rut she doesn't want, heartache she keeps feeling.
She cries.
Soft words and a gentle heart, a peace settles like leaves slowly falling from a tree.
She looks up.
Honesty, compassion and encouragement flow out. Soaking it all in.
She smiles.
26 And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. 27 And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers[a] in harmony with God’s own will.
Romans 8:26-27
Thanks for the reminder Jesus.
I'm tired of not being respected.
I'm tired of not knowing what to say, how to act or converse.
The inside jokes? Give it up, no one gets them and you only seclude yourself.
I see your insecurities and I can't but feel annoyed.
How old are you anyways?
Has living life always been so difficult for you? Can you not see that greatness life
has to offer you?
Get up.
Buck up.
You are made for greatness, don't deny what's given to you.
I'm tired of always being the mature one... socially, mentally and spiritually.
What I could give to forget responsibilties and live like a teenager but I can't.
I've grown up, why can't you?
Is it so wrong to have expectations?
This time I had none and yet I was still disappointed.
Perfection is not what I anticipated but I couldn't even get participation.
How much is going to take?
because I am done.
I'm going through some really weird times right now. Tonight especially I feel out of sorts and this rant came out of me. Not really applied to person(s) in specific but a bunch of events mashed together and now together in random blurts of annoyance.