Gut wrenching sobs. Tears streaming down, soaking into her skin.
She cries.
Love so deep, unconditional, everlasting. More than compromising, it's a sacrifice.
She cries.
Longing to breath deep, reaching beyond just to grasp on to the edge.
She cries.
Forgiveness, acceptance and respect is all she longs for.
A place, safe and worthy to be warrant trust. To be herself, to feel a sense of belong. To be pushed, grow and mature. What must it take? How much must she give?
To hold her heart out and have it stomped on?
A rut she doesn't want, heartache she keeps feeling.
She cries.
Soft words and a gentle heart, a peace settles like leaves slowly falling from a tree.
She looks up.
Honesty, compassion and encouragement flow out. Soaking it all in.
She smiles.
Hey you...i really liked you put it in 2nd person at least i think that's they would call it...
Anonymous said...
11:28 PM, May 30, 2007
I told you that you should write a book. I hope you keep your writings on file for future reference if you ever decide to be a book author. You have the talent for that type of thing. Maybe it could be your hobby someday.
Anonymous said...
10:58 PM, June 04, 2007