knock, know! HELLO?

When will we ever start to listen to God's voice? I heard him distinctly today yet ignored Him and what happened? Consequences. I used to think it was more gut instinct that gave me these thoughts but I'm learning more and more that God does communicate with me even if I'm not expecting Him to.

This journey I'm on? I so hit a very deep puddle today but am back out of the puddle...dripping wet but an enlightened and changed. My family and myself are going through challenge after challenge yet we are still sticking together.

Like Carol Kent mentioned last night - make a gratitude list. And I am. And the list keeps growing!! Thank God for the body of Christ and the family members it offers.

Points to remember:

"you just keep your focus on HIM and remember HE is living your life for you as YOU"

"This is what the body of Christ does, we live CHRIST TO one another.....
it doesn't stop!!!!"

"...what happens when you squeeze and orange? orange juice comes out.....
you are being squeezed.....what is coming out......? Jesus"

Oh Lord you're beautiful, your face is all I seek! For when your eyes are on this child, your grace abounds to me.


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