whispers in the wind

I touched base on this topic on my last post but this came up in conversation today at church.

Hearing the voice of God.

Do we hear the voice of God and ignore it? Do we put thoughts in our own minds thinking that we do hear Him but it's actually us? How long do you wait for answer? Do ever miss His voice? And does He only talk to us about "big things"? Is our intuition maybe more God driven than we think?

What if we make a decision that we feel God is leading us towards but events keep happening postponing the final word? I've been told and I know that sometimes when we make wrong choices God will still use them for a purpose. Or that that was the way the situation was to happen.

So how much are we supposed to analyze or rethink or keep asking God about? Ultimately is the decision ours and we face the consequences if we don't wait to hear God's answer? What if we think we do hear it?

And what do you pray for? A sign? Spoken word? What if we miss all the signals?

Again all of this boils down to letting God take our entire life and everything in it - giving up control and relying on Him.


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